Flat Nose / Low Nasal Root
Asians often have flat noses that don’t give much definition to their face. However, a straight and prominent nose can greatly enhance one’s facial profile. Aesthetic treatments can help achieve the desired nose shape.

A flat nose with a low nasal bridge is the first sign. People with low nasal roots often have low nasal bridges, but not vice versa. A round nasal tip is another sign, along with a flat saddle nose.

Asians often have a flat nose and low nasal bridge, which is a natural and inborn characteristic.

Hyaluronic acid fillers offered by Skinspire Laser&Skin Clinic are a safe way to quickly fix a flat nose. Alternatively, nose thread lift is also effective and has minimal recovery time and risk.

Hyaluronic acid(HA) is a natural substance found in tissues and cells. It is used as a filler in aesthetic treatments by injecting it into the dermis to remove wrinkles and add volume to the face. There are no side effects, and repeated injections are safe and effective for long-term results.
How does Hyaluronic Acid Filler work
Hyaluronic acid dermal filler offered by Skinspire Laser&Skin Clinic, can reshape your nose immediately by adding volume to lift the nasal root, reshape the bridge, columella nasi, and nasal base, and pump up the fawn region. It creates a more defined and fuller nose shape.
- 1. Face-to-face consultation: Skinspire Laser&Skin Clinic provider will determine treatment areas and dosage according to the client’s bone and face structure.
- 2. Pre-treatment preparation: Skinspire Laser&Skin Clinic provider will clean and disinfect the injection areas, confirm the injection solution has not been opened.
- 3. Injection: Skinspire Laser&Skin Clinic provider will inject the solution at the nasal parts that require reshaping, massage the injection site while injecting to reshape the filler into a favorable shape.
- 4. Post-treatment care.
Who is it for
- People who have flat nose or low nasal root
- People who want an immediate result on reshaping their nose naturally
- People who have a flat facial profile especially on the middle part of the face

Thread lift offered by Skinspire Laser&Skin Clinic, is currently the most effective face-lifting technique. Threads are embedded in the dermis and lift the face according to their direction. This stimulates the skin and fibroblasts to produce collagen. The threads are absorbed and degraded in the body.
How does Nose Thread Lift work
PDO threads are implanted in the nose during the nose thread lift to lift and reshape it. There is minimal recovery time and pain associated with the treatment, allowing most clients to resume their normal routine immediately. The doctor customizes a unique treatment plan for each client based on their specific needs.
- 1. Face-to-face consultation: Skinspire Laser&Skin Clinic will develop a unique treatment plan based on the client’s condition and desired results.
- 2. Apply anesthetic: Skinspire Laser&Skin Clinic will apply anesthetic externally, clean and disinfect the areas to be embedded with threads.
- 3. Pre-treatment: Skinspire Laser&Skin Clinic provider will check the quality and quantity of the threads.
- 4. During treatment: Skinspire Laser&Skin Clinic provider will proceed with the treatment plan to embed threads.
- 5. Post-treatment precautions.
Who is it for
- People who have flat nose or low nasal root
- People who want an immediate result on reshaping their nose naturally
- People who have a flat facial profile especially on the middle part of the face
- People who want to reshape their nose and lift their face